Configure email forwarders in cPanel Print

  • 2

To create an email forwarder so that email sent to one email address (e.g. is delivered to another (e.g., follow these instructions.


  1. Login to cPanel at www.YOURDOMAIN.COM.AU/cpanel (replacing YOURDOMAIN.COM.AU with your own domain name) — if you do not have your cPanel login details, please email and we'll supply them to you
  2. Under Mail, click Forwarders
  3. Click Add Forwarder
  4. Under Address, type the first part of the email address you want to capture, and choose the domain name from the select box. For example, if you want to redirect any email sent to to the destination email address, then you would type "sales" into the box and choose "" from the domain name list.
  5. Under Destination, ensure the option "Forward to email address" is checked, then type the destination/recipient email into the box (in the above case, this would be "".)
  6. Click the Add Forwarder button
You may wish to send a test email to ensure it works as you expect.
Note that if you have an email account or any existing email forwarders for the forwarding email address (e.g., email will still be delivered to that email account and to any other forwarders. You can have multiple forwarders set up for the one email address.


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